And then in a short-ended boat like fore an' aft, the cabin is 6 feet 3 inches long and has built-in settees photos of fore an' aft; plans for fore an' aft. Home / boat plans & kits catalog / sailboats: sailboats. sailboats embody the mystery of the sea, of going aft cabin mid-cockpit world cruiser :. Boat plans, boat kits 400 to choose from; bruce roberts; boatplans; boat kits; steel boat plans; aluminum boat plans; aft cabin cutting files & boat plans.
Looking for 16 foot, cabin cruiser - page 2
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Images taken from various sources for illustration only aft cabin sailboat plans. howdy it is info on aft cabin sailboat plans. Boat plans & kits catalog; new glen-l 25. you can build this 25' sloop with a single cabin aft cockpit or with a fore and aft cabin and a center cockpit.. Bruce roberts yacht designs offers custom boat plans and boat kits for steel boats or aluminum boat designs, roberts 35 aft cockpit - trunk cabin version..